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  Three steps to optimize your system performance
To improve your online experience when using the PLANETii MathWorld, there are 3 steps to optimize your system performance:
1. Remove Spyware from your computer
2. Upgrade your Flash Player
3. Optimize your Internet Explorer settings

Step 3 of 3 - Optimize your Internet Explorer settings

How to optimize the Internet Explorer settings

To start optimizing your Internet Explorer settings, please click "Tools > Internet Options..." in your Internet Explorer's menu bar:

Then you will see the "Internet Options" dialog. Please press the "Settings ..." button in the "Temporary Internet files" section:

In the "Settings" dialog, please select "Every visit to the page" in the "Check for newer versions of stored pages" and change the "Amount of disk space to use" to 128MB:

Then press the "OK" button to close the dialog. The first change is to make sure that Internet Explorer will always download the most updated Flash files from our website when we have new updates or bug fixes. The second changeis to make sure that Internet Explorer will not store too many unnecessary files on your hard-disk, which can seriously slow down your browsing speed.

When you see the "Internet Options" dialog again, please press the "Delete Files..." button in the "Temporary Internet files" section:

Then in the "Delete Files" dialog, please check the "Delete all offline content" box and press the "OK" button to clear all the old cached files:

It may take a few minutes to delete the cached files. After it is done, you will see the "Internet Options" dialog again and please press "OK" to close it.

Now all the three steps of optimizing your system are done. If you still encounter performance problems when using our PLANETii MathWorld, it might be that your system does not fulfill minimum requirements. Otherwise, it is likely that you have too many programs running on your computer at the same time. Please close them before you login into our MathWorld and see if there is any improvement. If you need further assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

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