level 5


Large and Negative Numbers
Counting, Reading, and Writing
Rounding off Large Numbers Using Examples from Everyday Life
Introduce Terms Natural Number and Integer
Introduce Negative Numbers and Compare with Other Numbers
Estimation of Large Quantities

Fractions I
Multiply Fractions through Repeated Addition
Division of Fractions through Dissection of Shapes
Solve Problems
Estimate the Answers

Decimals II
Develop an Understanding of Multiplication of Decimals, Multipliers Include Whole Numbers Only
Develop an Understanding of Division of Decimals, Including a Decimal Divided by a Whole Number and a Whole Number Divided by a Whole Number
Find the Approximate Values by Rounding off the Answers
Perform Mixed Operations on Decimals for Sums Involving at Most Three Operations
Solve Problems involving Money, Length, and Distance
Estimate the Answers

Fractions I
Perform Multiplication of Fractions, for Sums Involving at Most Two Operations
Solve Problems
Estimate the Answers

Decimals II
Convert Decimals into Fractions
Convert Fractions into Decimals, Rounding off the Answers to the Nearest Tenths or Hundredths
Compare Fractions by Converting Them into Decimals
Solve Problems
Estimate the Answers

Percentages I
Recognize the Use of Percentages in Daily Life
Length and Distance
Convert Percentages into Decimals and Vice Versa
Convert Percentages into Fractions and Vice Versa


Area II
Understand and Apply the Formulas for Calculating the Area of Parallelograms, Triangles and Trapezoids
Find the Area of Polygons

Develop the Concept of Temperature
Introduce "Celsius" and "Fahrenheit"
Read Temperature using Appropriate Tools
Use Temperature in Real-Life Examples
Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit
Solve Problems
Estimate the Answers

Volume I
Develop the Concept of Volume
Compare the Volume of Objects Intuitively
Introduce the Standard Unit "Cubic Centimeter"
Measure and Compare the Volume of Objects Using "Cubic Centimeter"
Understand the Need for Using a Unit Larger than "Cubic Centimeter"
Introduce "Cubic Meter"
Understand and Apply the Formulas for Finding the Volume of Cubes and Cuboids

Other Counting Systems
Introduce the British System: Distance, Capacity, Weight
Measure Objects using British Units and Compare them Intuitively
Introduce, Convert, and Use Roman Numerals
Solve Problems
Estimate the Answers


The Eight Compass Points
Recognize the Eight Compass Points
Find Directions with a Compass

3-D Shapes III
Recognize the Characteristics of Cones, Pyramids, Cylinders, Prisms and Spheres
Make Nets of Cubes and Cuboids

Angles III
Introduce "degree"
Identify proper angles (30, 45, 60, 90, 180, 360)
Identify and measure angles in 2-D shapes
Measure angles using appropriate tools
Solve Problems
Estimate the Answers


Bar Charts II
Read and Discuss Bar Charts
Identify proper angles (30, 45, 60, 90, 180, 360)
Read and Discuss Compound Bar Charts
Construct Compound Bar Charts and Discuss the Bar Charts Constructed

Simple Statistics
Introduce Quartile Regions, Average, Range, Mean, Median, and Mode
Solve Simple Problems
Estimate the Answers

Bar Charts II
Read and Discuss Bar Charts of Large Frequency Amounts
Construct Bar Charts: 1) Using a 1-to-10,000 or a 1-to-100,000 Representation
Estimate the Average from Bar Graphs


Elementary Algebra
Use Symbols or Letters to Represent Numbers
Record with Algebraic Symbols (e.g., John is x years old now, how old will he be after 10 years? Record as: (x+10) Years Old

Simple Equations I
Understand the Concept of Equations
Solve Simple Equations Involving One Step in the Solutions, and Check the Answers (Involving Whole Numbers Only)
Rewrite Equations into Equivalent or Simplified Expressions
Solve Problems by Simple Equations, Involving at Most One Step in the Solutions