Large and Negative
Counting, Reading, and Writing |
Rounding off Large Numbers Using Examples from
Everyday Life |
Introduce Terms Natural Number and Integer |
Introduce Negative Numbers and Compare with
Other Numbers |
Estimation of Large Quantities |
Fractions III
Multiply Fractions through Repeated
Addition |
Division of Fractions through Dissection of
Shapes |
Solve Problems |
Estimate the Answers |
Decimals II
Develop an Understanding of Multiplication
of Decimals, Multipliers Include Whole Numbers
Only |
Develop an Understanding of Division of Decimals,
Including a Decimal Divided by a Whole Number
and a Whole Number Divided by a Whole Number |
Find the Approximate Values by Rounding off
the Answers |
Perform Mixed Operations on Decimals for Sums
Involving at Most Three Operations |
Solve Problems involving Money, Length, and
Distance |
Estimate the Answers |
Fractions IV
Perform Multiplication of Fractions,
for Sums Involving at Most Two Operations |
Solve Problems |
Estimate the Answers |
Decimals III
Convert Decimals into Fractions |
Convert Fractions into Decimals, Rounding off
the Answers to the Nearest Tenths or Hundredths |
Compare Fractions by Converting Them into Decimals |
Solve Problems |
Estimate the Answers |
Percentages I
Recognize the Use of Percentages
in Daily Life |
Length and Distance |
Convert Percentages into Decimals and Vice Versa |
Convert Percentages into Fractions and Vice
Versa |
Area II
Understand and Apply the Formulas
for Calculating the Area of Parallelograms, Triangles
and Trapezoids |
Find the Area of Polygons |
Develop the Concept of Temperature |
Introduce "Celsius" and "Fahrenheit" |
Read Temperature using Appropriate Tools |
Use Temperature in Real-Life Examples |
Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit |
Solve Problems |
Estimate the Answers |
Volume I
Develop the Concept of Volume |
Compare the Volume of Objects Intuitively |
Introduce the Standard Unit "Cubic Centimeter" |
Measure and Compare the Volume of Objects Using
"Cubic Centimeter" |
Understand the Need for Using a Unit Larger
than "Cubic Centimeter" |
Introduce "Cubic Meter" |
Understand and Apply the Formulas for Finding
the Volume of Cubes and Cuboids |
Other Counting Systems
Introduce the British System: Distance,
Capacity, Weight |
Measure Objects using British Units and Compare
them Intuitively |
Introduce, Convert, and Use Roman Numerals |
Solve Problems |
Estimate the Answers |
The Eight Compass Points
Recognize the Eight Compass Points |
Find Directions with a Compass |
3-D Shapes III
Recognize the Characteristics of
Cones, Pyramids, Cylinders, Prisms and Spheres |
Make Nets of Cubes and Cuboids |
Angles III
Introduce "degree" |
Identify proper angles (30, 45, 60, 90, 180,
360) |
Identify and measure angles in 2-D shapes |
Measure angles using appropriate tools |
Solve Problems |
Estimate the Answers |
Bar Charts II
Read and Discuss Bar Charts |
Identify proper angles (30, 45, 60, 90, 180,
360) |
Read and Discuss Compound Bar Charts |
Construct Compound Bar Charts and Discuss the
Bar Charts Constructed |
Simple Statistics
Introduce Quartile Regions, Average,
Range, Mean, Median, and Mode |
Solve Simple Problems |
Estimate the Answers |
Bar Charts III
Read and Discuss Bar Charts of
Large Frequency Amounts |
Construct Bar Charts: 1) Using a 1-to-10,000
or a 1-to-100,000 Representation |
Estimate the Average from Bar Graphs |
Elementary Algebra
Use Symbols or Letters to Represent
Numbers |
Record with Algebraic Symbols (e.g., John is
x years old now, how old will he be after 10 years?
Record as: (x+10) Years Old |
Simple Equations I
Understand the Concept of Equations |
Solve Simple Equations Involving One Step in
the Solutions, and Check the Answers (Involving
Whole Numbers Only) |
Rewrite Equations into Equivalent or Simplified
Expressions |
Solve Problems by Simple Equations, Involving
at Most One Step in the Solutions |