level 2


3-Digit Numbers
Counting, Reading, and Writing
Recognize Place Value "Hundreds"
Count in Groups of Fifty or Hundred
Estimate the Quantity of Objects

Addition and Substraction I
Perform Addition within 3 Places, incl. Carrying, and Addition of 3 Numbers
Subtraction within 2 Places, Including Decomposition
Solve Simple Problems
Estimate the Answers

Basic Multiplication
Develop Concept of Multiplication
Construct the Multiplication Tables (1-10)
Perform Basic Multiplication
Commutative Property of Multiplication through Concrete Examples
Solve Simple Problems

4-Digit Numbers
Counting, Reading, and Writing
Recognize the Place Value "Thousands"
Count in Groups of Five Hundred and Thousand

Addition and Substraction III
Subtraction within 3 Places, Including Decomposition
Associative Property of Addition through Concrete Examples
Mixed Operations of Addition and Subtraction (at most 2 operations)
Solve Simple Problems
Estimate the Answers

Basic Division
Develop Concept of Division
Sums for Division, Including Sums with Remainders
Relationship between Multiplication and Division
Length and Distance


Length and Distance III
Understand the Need for Using a Larger Unit for Measuring
Introduce "Meter" (m)
Measure and Compare Lengths of Objects and Distances Between Objects with m
Measure with Appropriate Measuring Tools
Record the Lengths of Objects with Appropriate Measuring Units
Estimate the Lengths of Objects with "Ever-Ready Rulers"

Time II
Introduce "Minute"
Tell Time in Terms of O'clock and Minutes
Measure the Duration of Time Spent on Different Activities Using "Hours" and "Minutes"
Report the Duration of Time Spent on Different Activities Using "Hours" and "Minutes"
Recognize that there are 24 Hours in a Day
Develop the Concept of "Morning" and "Afternoon"
Tell Time in Terms of "Morning," "Afternoon," "Noon" and "Midnight"
Recognize the Number of Days in Each Month
Recognize the Number of Days in a Year and Leap Year

Money II
Identify Notes and Coins
Read Price Tags
Exchange Current Notes and Coins
Solve Simple Problems--Addition and Subtraction of Money

Develop the Concept of Weight
Compare the Weights of Objects Directly
Measure and Compare the Weights of Objects Using Improvised Units
Understand the Need for Using Standard Units
Measure and Compare the Weights of Objects Using "Gram" and "Kilogram"
Choose the Appropriate Tools for Measuring
Record the Weights of Objects with Suitable Units


3-D Shapes II
Identify Prisms and Cylinders Intuitively
Identify Pyramids and Cones
Recognize Faces Intuitively
Group 3-D Shapes
Make 3-D Shapes

Angles I
Introduce Angles
Introduce Right Angles
Compare the Sizes of Angles
Make Angles in a Variety of Ways

The Four Compass Points
Recognize the Four Directions: North, East, South and West
Use a Compass to Measure Directions

Quadrilaterals I
Develop the Concept of Quadrilaterals
Recognize and Identify Quadrilaterals
Construct Quadrilaterals in a Variety of Ways


Pictograms I
Compare Quantity of 3 or More Types of Objects by Arranging them in Lines
Read and Discuss Simple Pictograms
Construct Pictograms, Using a One-to-One Representation