Multiplication II
Discover the Associative Property
of Multiplication through Concrete Examples e.g.,
(3x2) x 5 = 3 x (2x5)
Apply the Commutative and Associative Properties
of Multiplication in Computation e.g., 2x8x5 =
(2x5) x 8 |
Perform Multiplication with Multiplier 2 Digits
and Multiplicand 2 Digits |
Perform Multiplication with Multiplier 2 Digits
and Multiplicand 3 Digits |
Solve Problems |
Estimate the Answers |
Division II
Perform Division with Divisor 2
Digits and Dividend 2 Digits |
Perform Division with Divisor 2 Digits and Dividend
3 Digits |
Recognize Divisibility, Divisibility Tests for
2, 5 and 10 |
Solve Problems |
Estimate the Answers |
Be Familiar with Modern Calculating
Devices |
Recognize the Basic Operations and Functions
of a Calculator |
Use Calculators to Carry Out Activities to Foster
Pupil's Number Sense |
Multiples and Factors
Develop an Understanding of Multiples |
Develop an Understanding of Factors |
Find Out All the Factors of a Number |
Explore the Relationship between Factors and
Multiples |
Introduce Prime and Composite Numbers |
Common Multiples and
Common Factors
Develop an Understanding of Common
Multiples |
List the Multiples of Two Numbers, Hence Find
the Common Multiples and the Least Common Multiple
of the Two Numbers |
Develop an Understanding of Common Factors |
List the Factors of Two Numbers, Hence Find
the Common Factors and the Highest Common Factor
of the Two Numbers |
Find the Highest Common Factors of Two Numbers
by Short Division |
Mixed Operations II
Perform Mixed Operations of: 1)
Division and Addition; 2) Division and Subtraction;
3) Division and Multiplication (For Sums Involving
at Most 2 Operations) |
Perform Mixed Operations for Sums involving
at most Four Steps |
Introduce the Distributive Property of Multiplication
Solve Problems involving Mixed Operations |
Estimate the Answers |
Fractions II
Develop the Concept of Proper Fractions,
Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers |
Reduce Fractions to their Simplest Form |
Explore the Methods for Converting Equivalent
Fractions |
Find Common Denominators to Compare Fractions |
Add and Subtract Fractions with the Same Denominators
and Reduce the Answers to the Simplest Form |
Decimals I
Recognize Decimals as Another Way
of Recording Fractions |
Develop the Concept of Place Value in Decimals |
Recognize the Use of Decimals in Daily Life
Situations |
Perform the Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
up to Two Places of Decimals and for Sums Involving
at most Three Operations |
Solve Problems involving Money, Length, and
Distance |
Estimate the Answers |
Perimeter I
Develop the Concept of Perimeter |
Measure the Perimeter of 2-D Shapes |
Find the Perimeter of Squares and Rectangles |
Find the Perimeter of Simple 2-D Shapes |
Area I
Develop the Concept of Area |
Direct Comparison of the Area of Surfaces |
Compare the Area of Surfaces Using Improvised
Units |
Introduce the Standard Units Square Centimeter
and Square Meter |
Measure the Area of 2-D Shapes Using Square
Centimeters and Square Meters |
Understand and Apply the Formulas for Calculating
the Area of Squares and Rectangles |
Quadrilaterals III
Develop an Understanding of the
Characteristics of Trapezoids and Rhombuses |
Compare the Characteristics of Different Types
of Quadrilaterals |
Find the Perimeter of Simple 2-D Shapes |
Fitting and Dissecting
Make shapes by Fitting 2-D Shapes
Together |
Dissect Polygons and Identify the Shapes Dissected |
Simple Symmetry
Develop an Understanding of Symmetrical
Shapes, and Find the Line(s) of Symmetry |
Make Symmetrical Shapes |
Pictograms II
Read and Discuss Pictograms |
Construct Pictograms of Greater Frequency Counts:
1) Organize and Classify Data Appropriately; 2)
Round Off Data to the Nearest Unit; 3) Construct
Pictograms, Using a One-to-Ten or a One-to-Hundred
Representation |
Discuss the Pictograms Constructed |