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  Three steps to optimize your system performance
To improve your online experience when using the PLANETii MathWorld, there are 3 steps to optimize your system performance:
1. Remove Spyware from your computer
2. Upgrade your Flash Player
3. Optimize your Internet Explorer settings

Step 1 of 3 - Remove Spyware from your computer

What is Spyware?
"Spyware is software that collects personal information from you without your knowledge or permission. The information spyware collects can range from all the Web sites you visit to sensitive information including user names and passwords. You could become vulnerable to spyware if you download music from file-sharing programs, free games from sites you don't trust, or other software programs from unknown sources." -- Microsoft.com

Effects of Spyware
Besides stealing your personal information, spyware can consume a lot of precious system resources including CPU time and network bandwidth, making your system running much slower than usual. Apart from that, spyware can also interrupt your Internet traffic and redirect you to some websites that you do not intend to visit. Sometimes this will cause "Session Timeout" errors in our PLANETii MathWorld because the data required by our programs were dropped by those spyware in the middle of transmission.

How to remove Spyware

To remove spyware from your computer, we suggest you to use the free Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware. You can download it from the URL below:

Please click the ��Download the beta of our new anti-spyware software today�� link to start downloading the software.

In the next page, please press the "Continue" button:

In the next page, please select "No, do not validate Windows at this time, but take me to the download" and then press the "Continue" button:

Finally, in the next page, please press the "Download" button to download the software:

When Internet Explorer asks you whether to run or save the file, please press the "Save" button:

In the "Save As" dialog, please select a location to save the file. Suggested locations are "My Documents" or "Desktop", where you can easily locate the file after download:

When the download is completed, you can press the "Run" button to install the program:

You may need to press "Run" again in the "Internet Explorer - Security Warning" dialog if Internet Explorer asks you to confirm the execution:

Alternatively, you can go to the location where you saved the file and double click on it to install the program.


At the first page of the installation screen, please press "Next" to continue:

Press "Next" again at the second page:

Then click "Install" at the third page to start the installation:

After the installation is completed, please check the "Launch Microsoft AntiSpyware" box and then press the "Finish" button:

When you see the "Microsoft AntiSpyware Setup Assistant" screen, please press "Next" to continue:

In the "Keep Your Computer in the Know" screen, leave the selection to "Yes, automatically keep Microsoft AntiSpyware updated" and press "Next" again :

In the "Meet Your Computer's New Bodyguards" screen, leave the selection to "Yes, help keep me secure" and press "Next":

In the "SpyNet: The Anti-Spyware Community" screen, leave the selection to "Yes. I want to help fight spyware" and press "Finish" :

Finally, in the "Spyware's Final Step" screen, leave the "Run a spyware scan every night at 2 a.m." box checked and press the "Run Scan Now" button:

In the "Select your Spyware Scan Settings" screen, please select "Run a full system scan" and leave all the checkboxes checked by default. Then you can press the "Run Scan Now" button to start scanning your computer:

The scanning process takes about 15-60 minutes, depending on your computer's speed and the number of files on it. After the scanning is done, please follow the instructions given by Microsoft AntiSpyware to remove any spyware found. If you need further assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

Next Step - Upgrade your Flash Player

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