Adaptive Math Practice |
Better than practicing with paper-based math worksheets,
our young learner does not solely have a unique progression of math lessons based on his or her present
foundational knowledge; he or she is also given unique math worksheets with a unique mix of learning
objectives with difficulty levels driven by the child's own progression and performance consistency.
For instance, Jackie answers addition questions correctly many times in a row
whereas Bob gets a question right and then wrong alternatively. Jackie will be able to progress through addition much
quicker than Bob and will quickly be advanced to multiplication questions.
This means that Jackie may be given only 15 addition questions in total to reach PLANETii SmartMath recommended proficiency
target while Bob needs to get through 50 questions to reach the same proficiency level.
Therefore, if your child is consistent at answering questions correctly within
a lesson, he or she will progress faster through it than others whose performance is not as good.